Open Call 2 announcement
Announcement of the 2nd RAWFIE Open Call for recipients of financial support
Project acronym: RAWFIE
Project grant agreement number: 645220
Project full name: Road-, Air-, Water-based Future Internet Experimentation
Deadline (for all four types of activities): 19 March 2017, at 17:00 CET (Brussels local time)
Feasibility check deadline (only for Experimentation activities RAWFIE-OC2-EXP-SCI, RAWFIE-OC2-EXP-SME): 19 February, at 17:00 CET (Brussels local time)
Expected duration of participation: 18 months for RAWFIE-OC2-EXT (starting from July, 2017 to December, 2018) and 12 months for RAWFIE-OC2-EXP (starting from October, 2017 to September, 2018)
Maximum amount of financial support for each proposal: € 150 000 for RAWFIE-OC2-EXT-UGV and RAWFIE-OC2-EXT-UAV, € 100 000 for RAWFIE-OC2-EXP-SCI, € 75 000 for RAWFIE-OC2-EXP-SME
Call identifier: RAWFIE-OC2 call
Language in which proposal should be submitted: English
Web link for further information (full call text/proposal guidelines/call results): http://www.rawfie.eu/content/open-call-no2
Email address for further information: rawfie-contact@cnl.di.uoa.gr
[Please use the respective call identifier in the subject of your email (RAWFIE-OC2-EXT-UGV, RAWFIE-OC2-EXT-UAV, RAWFIE-OC2-EXP-SCI, RAWFIE-OC2-EXP-SME)]
Tel: (+30) 2107275148, (+30) 2107275127