I am trying to use this method to calculate unique customers for a particular product (where a customer may have bought multiple times, but I want unique customers). This article, I will take some examples for you to count unique values based on one or more criteria in a worksheet. The COUNTIF function in Excel is case-insensitive. Now .. sort on this column, by clickin on one of the count values and choosing 'sort and filter > sort largest to . group by data. I want to create a sum total count that reflects the total movies & TV episodes. Found insideThe Remove Duplicates tool added in Excel 2010 was a nice addition. However, the tool does remove the ... The formula should be: =COUNTIF($A$1:$A1,$A2)>0. 1500 rows)? Found insideCOUNTIF function, 309–311, 418, 622 accepting non-duplicate entries, 622 accepting text beginning with specific character, 623 COUNTIFS function, ... I am currently using a countifs () function to count from a large dataset only certain rows based on criteria X, Y, and Z (i.e. Found inside – Page 400When you select all columns in the Remove Duplicates dialog box, ... in column D occurs: =COUNTIF(D:D,D2)COUNTIF(D:D,D2) Copy these formulas down the column ... Below is the syntax: = SUM (IF (1/COUNTIF (data, data)=1,1,0)). The Excel formula uses the COUNTIF formula to count the number of duplicate values in a range. Add a Comment. How can I have a dax that calculates the KPI considering only non duplicates. To find duplicate values in Excel, you can use conditional formatting excel formula, Vlookup, and Countif formula. . Why have propeller engines never been mounted on the tail in production transport aircraft? 2. Select the list which now doesn't have any duplicates any longer. Then.. add the same field to the values section, you will now see a 'count'. In a table with million records, SQL Count Distinct might cause performance issues because a distinct count operator is a costly operator in the actual execution plan. To get the distinct count in the Pivot Table, follow the below steps: Right-click on any cell in the 'Count of Sales Rep' column. You can prevent duplicate values in a field in an Access table by creating a unique index. Is it possible to democratically handle the immaterium? =COUNTIF(B7:B100,"*") This doesn't include gaps with blank cells and only gives me the total number of cells that contain text. Found inside – Page 31Find Duplicate Data using Conditional Formatting #10 Excel's conditional ... In the field to its right, enter the following code: =COUNTIF($A$1:$H$100,A1)>1 ... You can count the number of texts without duplicating by including the ISTEXT function in the array formula as stated below: =SUM (IF (ISTEXT (A2:A10)*COUNTIF (A2:A10,A2:A10)=1,1,0)) This formula will display the number of unique texts. Found inside – Page iiiText to Column................................................................. Remove Duplicates. ... Countif & Countifs. Is this just too costly in terms of CPU to apply to a large volume of data (e.g. Note: For using array functions, press Ctrl+Shift+Enter (Not Just Enter). To return the value for the rest of cells, copy the same formula down. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Open and create multiple documents in new tabs of the same window, rather than in new windows. Found inside – Page 692When removing duplicates, Excel considers these dates to be different. ... =COUNTIF(G:G,G2) Copy these formulas down the column for each row of your data. Microsoft and the Office logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. A verification code will be sent to you. Column C in the screenshot contains just the COUNTIF function. How can I use TWF on a dex-based character who casts spells? = SUMPRODUCT(1 / COUNTIF( data, data )) Summary. In 2017, was the Plasco Building destroyed in a controlled demolition? Using COUNTIF and removing duplicates in two different columns. Count Unique Values Excluding Duplicates by Formula in Excel. # Python 3 code to demonstrate. JavaScript is disabled. Data in column "data" of table "table": A1, A1, A2, A3, A3, A4. Remove Duplicates allows you to create lists of unique items from a larger data source. See how to count unique values in Excel with a formula and get an automatic count of all different values in a pivot table. Step-1: Here we will count duplicate values without considering the first occurrence. The image means to test it we would need to retype an excel spreadsheet. It can remove duplicates, show a count of occurrences, show only repeated lines, ignore certain characters and compare on specific fields. The conditional count can be done using COUNTIF function but this is not the only function that can do so. Found inside – Page 91To remove duplicates, you could follow the same process with COUNTIF in another column. Filter out rows with COUNTIF greater than 1, and delete those rows. Found inside – Page 36The original columns remain untouched but we will eliminate duplicates in the ... Use the function COUNTIFS in G2: =COUNTIFS($B$2:$B$18,$F2,$C$2:$C$18,G$1). Why does an Ethernet cable have four pairs? Counting non-duplicates while using countifs () with other criteria. Is it accurate to say synths have timbre? This will show the count of duplicate values without the first instance in column E. Count Case-Sensitive Duplicates in Excel. Step 1 - Calculate rank. By clicking “Accept all cookies”, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Found inside – Page 107On the other hand, if there are duplicate sortkey values, ... The expression COUNTIF($J$1:$J$30,J5)-COUNTIF($J$1:J4,J5) calculates the total number of ... from table. If your data has zip codes, postal codes, or city names, select the data and use Insert, 3D Map. SUMPRODUCT function is a versatile function that can be used to count with criteria, sometimes even better than countif function. This count shows 1 for all unique items and 2 or above for all non-unique items. Countifs without including duplicates. All you need to do is add the DISTINCT keyword . =IF (COUNTIF (A$2:A2,A2)=1,A2,"") Press Enter on your keyboard. Once you have received the verification code, you will be able to choose a new password for your account. COUNTIF is a relatively basic Google Sheets function that counts cells that include numbers or text based on a specified condition. 1. You are using an out of date browser. Found inside... Item number hasa duplicate,use the IFfunction together with the COUNTIF ... Typethe following formula: =IF(COUNTIF($A$2:$A$10,A2)>1, "Duplicate Item No. This can be expanded to include conditions by changing to a COUNTIFS function but care must be made to ensure that no #DIV/0! error can occur. Found inside=COUNTIF(J8, “CPC*”)=1 • Length must be 3. ... A: =AND(LEN(J8)=3, COUNTIF(J8, ”A*”)=1) Removing duplicates You can remove duplicated data in a spreadsheet,. Removing the duplicates from view. I made a mock up file and must have been so flustered I flubbed it ;). Found inside... Types Quiz Editing Charts Quiz Removing Duplicate Entries Quiz Converting Text to Columns Quiz CONCATENATE Quiz IF Function Quiz COUNTIFS Quiz SUMIFS ... All the 1's are originals, and all the others are duplicates. Please note: Blank cells are ignored in the number in the bottom left corner of the screen. The FREQUENCY function calculates how often values occur within a range of values, and then returns a vertical array of numbers. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. rev 2021.9.30.40353. Recommended Articles. countifs (range_a,X1,range_b,Y1,range_c,Z1) However, in range_a, there are a lot of duplicates, and I'd like to avoid counting those. 2. You can use the COUNT function in the SELECT statement to get the number of employees, the number of employees in each department, the number of employees who hold a specific job, etc. I have created column and Measure to calculate number of rows in table but could not get right result. SQL Server 2019 improves the performance of SQL COUNT DISTINCT operator using a new Approx_count_distinct function. Click OK. In case you only want to account for "Yes" in Either of the 2 columns B / C and there is NO possibility of duplicate companies in column A then you may use either of the shorter formulas: 1. Found inside... COUNTIFS functions lets you combine AND and OR logic in a single formula. ... returns the #N/A error value if the range contains no duplicate values. Apply the "COUNTIF" formula. You may also add a new column called the 'Count' column in cell B1: You can then apply the COUNTIF function under the 'Count' column to get the count of duplicates. Find Duplicates in Excel using Conditional Formatting. This tutorial shows how to count duplicate values in a range, using an Excel formula and VBA. Select COUNTIF and press OK to open the window shown directly below. Select the Cell B2; write the formula to retrieve the unique values from a list. If this is all you did, you would have a nice way of segregating the originals from the duplicates. Fetching Data entries from several sheets but ignoring duplicates (without losing count that is) Related. python by Obsequious Octopus on Oct 04 2020 Donate Comment. Figure 2 - Sorting without duplicates. also below one can try ( use Ctrl + Shift + Enter ). =COUNTIF(B5:B24,B5:B24) If we highlight the finished formula and press the F9 key, we see the following list of values. For example: If a title has separate duplicate entries for SD, SD/HD and SD/HD/UHD, it . It may not display this or other websites correctly. The numerator of the division operation provides half of the conditional processing. Fortunately, there's an easy way to do this. Step 2: Delete the Duplicate Rows. Find centralized, trusted content and collaborate around the technologies you use most. However, some of the text is duplicated and I only want to count the total number of unique entries in the list. Can an email be doctored to appear from a different sender on an earlier date? the problem is that multiple rows in my sheet are tied to the same work order number so I end up with duplicates, which inflates the numbers for the month. DISTINCT is used to ignore duplicate rows and get the count of only unique rows. To eliminate duplicates we need to count the number of times each data item in column I occurs (column J) by placing the formula =COUNTIF(I7:I$16,"="&I6) in cell J6, highlighting range J6:J15 and pressing Ctrl-D. We now want to retain those elements whose count . The next step to examine is the use of the COUNTIF function. How to Count Duplicate Values excluding the First Occurrence. SUMPRODUCT(1/COUNTIF(A2:A12, A2:A12&"")) ). The following illustrates the syntax of the SQL COUNT function: So if column A mentions " Microsoft" twice the above formulas will count this as one. Step 1: In E2 which is saved the total product type number, enter the formula " = SUMPRODUCT (1/ COUNTIF (B1:B11,B1:B11)) ". The MATCH function searches for a specified item in a range of cells, and then returns the . Loay Haggag. How to fix Ctrl+- keyboard shortcut to zoom out? The COUNTIFS denominator of the division operator must be the opposite (non-zero) of the numerator when the numerator is zero. Enter the range from which you want to count the number of duplicate values into the first component of the COUNTIF function. Posted Apr 19, 2019 11:39 AM. Found inside – Page 395... the COUNTIF Functions (EX389) Use the MATCH and INDEX Functions (EX389) Sort Format a Range as a Table (EX352) Name the Table (EX354) Remove Duplicates ... Total Count Without Duplicates. When I add IF statements in, I get the same number as the earlier formula. But you can use a combination of the SUM and EXACT function to get a case-sensitive . In the above formula, “Tom” is the name criteria, 2016,9,1 and 2016,9,30 are the two dates that you want to count based on, C2:C20 is the cells contains the name criteria, and D2:D20 is the cells contain the date, A2:A20 is the range of cells that you want to count the unique values. Found inside – Page 132It takes this form: =COUNTIFS(range_1,condition_1,range_2,condition_2 ... we need to copy the list of publishers and remove all duplicates so that each ... Can you post a better data set as text or in a google sheet? (If you are comfortable with Excel formulas, you can just type the formula directly into the cell without using the dialog boxes) How can I compare two columns and if match return a value? The FREQUENCY function calculates how often values occur within a range of values, and then returns a vertical array of numbers. Remove Duplicates allows you to create lists of unique items from a larger data source. As you can see from the picture above, the fruits table has duplicate records with the same information repeated in both fruit_name and color columns.. Finding duplicate rows using the aggregate function. You will learn how to count the instances of each duplicate value in a column. Duplicates are observations with identical values either on all variables if no varlist is specified or on a specified varlist. Cheers, Chris. Following is the syntax: In MySQL, COUNT () will display the number of rows. please tell me how to count no of unique jobs, job no's starting with "JN" alone and done by Jishnu. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Found inside – Page 198If you attempt to create a formula that uses COUNTIF, some double ... The formula returns an #N/A error if the Data range contains no duplicated values. Generic formula. 2. Counting non-duplicates while using countifs () with other criteria. I'd like to find how to use the COUNTIFS function in excel to count the rows in a spreadsheet while ignoring duplicate values in a separate column. Because this function returns an array, it must be entered as an array formula. $D:$D, it calculates endlessly; if it finishes, it returns a wrong result. You can then count the duplicates under each column using the method introduced at the beginning of this guide: df.pivot_table(columns=['DataFrame Column'], aggfunc='size') So this is the complete Python code to get the count of duplicates for the Color column: 0. The reference evaluates non-contiguous values. How to put countif function into array formula? The COUNTIF() is adequate, but you might want a list of unique values rather than the full dataset. The uniq command in UNIX is a command line utility for reporting or filtering repeated lines in a file. How do you join multiple rows into one row in pandas? @AdamB So sorry, I corrected the example. Kutools for Excel Solves Most of Your Problems, and Increases Your Productivity by 80%, Convert Between Cells Content and Comments, Office Tab Brings Tabbed interface to Office, and Make Your Work Much Easier. Count Duplicates with COUNTIF. I'd like to find how to use the COUNTIFS function in excel to count the rows in a spreadsheet while ignoring duplicate values in a separate column. Method 1 : Naive method. Found inside=IF (COUNTIF ($B: $B, $A2)=0, \ No match in B”, W Match in B”) 4. Find Duplicate Records Including 1" Occurences Assume values are in column A. Assume A2 is ... 0. Follow these easy steps to disable AdBlock, Follow these easy steps to disable AdBlock Plus, Follow these easy steps to disable uBlock Origin, Follow these easy steps to disable uBlock. After finding out the duplicate values, you can remove them if you want by using different methods that are described below. Rank returns a computed rank, which will include ties when the values being ranked include duplicates. Finally, the use of COUNT(*) in the WHERE clause can also ensure you won't insert duplicates. If your using pivot table you can select this item to in- or exclude this values. Here the data is contained in column I. =SUM(IF(("Tom"=$C$2:$C$20)*($D$2:$D$20<=DATE(2016, 9, 30)*($D$2:$D$20>=DATE(2016, 9, 1))), 1/COUNTIFS($C$2:$C$20, "Tom", $A$2:$A$20, $A$2:$A$20, $D$2:$D$20, "<="&DATE(2016, 9, 30),$D$2:$D$20, ">="&DATE(2016, 9, 1))), 0) and then press Shift + Ctrl + Enter keys together to get the unique result, see screenshot: 1. Please enter the email address for your account. In the above formula, "Tom" is the name criteria, 2016,9,1 and 2016,9,30 are the two dates that you want to count based on, C2:C20 is the cells contains the name criteria, and D2:D20 is the cells contain the date, A2:A20 is the range of cells that you want to count the unique values. To count the number of unique values in a range of cells, you can use a formula based on the COUNTIF and SUMPRODUCT functions. In the example show, the formula in F6 is: = SUMPRODUCT(1 / COUNTIF( B5:B14, B5:B14 )) With Excel 365, you can use a simpler and faster formula based on . If you don't want duplicate elements, you should use Set. In the Value Field Settings dialog box, select 'Distinct Count' as the type of calculation (you may have to scroll down the list to find it). Back to. The second part of the formula breaks the tie with COUNTIF: 1. This is a guide to Pandas Find Duplicates. Because this function returns an array, it must be entered as an array formula. In simple words, while working data, sometimes we need to count the cells where 2 ranges meet criteria. Aside from wanting to toss your friend in a lake you'd like to have an . The COUNTIF() is adequate, but you might want a list of unique values rather than the full dataset. Finding and removing duplicate values can seem like a daunting task for large datasets. You won't get the actual count if you use it to count a case-sensitive duplicate. But now it's not even finishing and I have to end the Excel process. Found inside – Page 145FIGURE 7-24: The Remove Duplicates dialog box. COUNTIF and SUMIF COUNTIF and SUMIF are very handy functions to know for modeling. Found inside – Page 225The COUNTIFS, SUMIFS, and AVERAGEIFS functions are similar to the COUNTIF, SUMIF, ... May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part. Let us continue using the database table (USER_DIET) from the previous example and see if we can find duplicates for the NAME column. You may observe the duplicates under both the Color and Shape columns. Increases your productivity by 50%, and reduces hundreds of mouse clicks for you every day. Why has the UK Government moved away from "Ministry of..." names? During pre-planning developers do not have time to understand a task that have not investigated themselves, how to solve that? Can I actually buy a copy-paste keyboard like the Stack Overflow April Fool's... MYSQL Remove Duplicates and add Column of their Cnt, Multiple COUNTIFS ignoring duplicate values in a column, Excel: Count of unique items while ignoring junk duplicates, Find duplicated rows, multiply a certain column by number of duplicates, drop duplicated rows, Excel: Count Only Once If Another Column Has Duplicates, Finding duplicates across multiple groups in a column- Python, What does a backslash in front of the delimiter mean in a here document (cat <<\EOF), Story about a young woman expelled from a military academy. python count number of unique elements in a list. You can do this efficiently by combining SUM and COUNTIF functions. You can just put it in the question. Found insideAs shown in Figure 17.3, the key unique counting concept in the COUNTIF formula is that you use ... including repeating the count for any duplicate items. Get access to 101 Ready To Use Excel Macros that you can use straight away to your Excel workbooks & reports so you can SAVE HOURS each day With this book you get the following cool features: ✔ Access 101 Ready To Use Macros with VBA Code ... Now that we have used the Excel Countif function to highlight the duplicates in column A of the example spreadsheet, we need to delete the rows for which the count is greater than 1. result: 2, A1; 1, A2, 2; A3, 1 A4. Found inside – Page 1015REMOVE. DUPLICATES. Problem: I have a data set in which I would like to ... COUNTIF), Microsoft added a new feature to Excel 2007 called Remove Duplicates. Found inside – Page 1403You want to prevent duplicates in A3:A100. You have to craft a formula ... If this value is a duplicate, the COUNTIF would return a number larger than zero. The final formula is . Select a cell inside the data which you want to remove duplicates from and go to the Data tab and click on the Remove Duplicates command. I have a person's name in column A and their title in column B. I'm trying to count the number of titles, but they are counting the title in the person's name appears more than one time. Found inside – Page 36The original columns remain untouched but we will eliminate duplicates in the ... Use the function COUNTIFS in G2: =COUNTIFS($B$2:$B$18,$F2,$C$2:$C$18,G$1). COUNTIFS without duplicates [SOLVED] - Excel Help Forum. The function will return the name of the first color. Then you count the number of appearances each combination . 4. With keeping the same . - this works for giving me the number of duplicates in column A, but I can't work any IF statements in effectively. This will instantly show you the values without any duplicates. Here is a sample of the data: I would like to count the number of rows that are "One" on status and "Blue" on category. However, if you only want distinct values to be counted, then count () would count it as 1. Excel Details: Re: COUNTIFS without duplicates Use a countifs to count the duplicates and then remove them, so your formula-(countifs(x,y,x)-1) or you can play around with the FREQUENCY function Hope this helps › Verified 6 days ago Remove duplicates from list operation has large number of applications and hence, it's knowledge is good to have. Found inside... 1004 and 1009 have been inserted twice according to the COUNTIF formula. ... the following formula: =IF(COUNTIF($A$2:$A$10,A2)>1, "Duplicate Item No. We have a great community of people providing Excel help here, but the hosting costs are enormous. Learn the basics of COUNTIF function in Excel. But those counts should NOT include any duplicates if they're also available in higher a definition. How to use the COUNTIF and COUNTIFS functions in Excel 2007 and Excel 2010 to count text in a cell range. How to count without duplicates in Excel Basic Excel . Found inside – Page 254Use the COUNTIF function to count numbers that are repeated in a range, and then use this function with conditional formatting to shade all duplicate values ... This post will guide you how to count for duplicates in Excel. Found inside – Page 1The 40 essential tips that all Excel users need to know. Crowdsourced by more than 300 contributors who collaborated on choosing the 40 best Excel tips, MrExcel XL provides users with a concise book that can be absorbed in under an hour. There is a standard COUNTUNIQUE method using SUMPRODUCT and COUNTIF functions; (e.g. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Array formula (Ctrl+Shift+Enter): site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. I ma getting value in point which is not possible So please help me Out. If you get the value 2 or more you have duplicated values. Count unique values based on one criteria, Count unique values based on two given dates, Count unique values based on two criteria, Count unique values based on three criteria. Can you put it somewhere we can cut and paste the sample data? You then need to tell Excel if the data contains column headers in the first row. Found inside – Page 435remoVe. DuPliCaTes. Problem: I have a data set in which I would like to ... COUNTIF), Microsoft added a new feature to Excel 2007 called Remove Duplicates. I am currently using a countifs () function to count from a large dataset only certain rows based on criteria X, Y, and Z (i.e. Warning: This method will only work if the contents of your cells are less than 256 characters in length, as Excel functions cannot handle text strings that are longer than this. Click on Value Field Settings. In naive method, we simply traverse the list and append the first occurrence of the element in new list and ignore all the other occurrences of that particular element. Found insideFor example, referring to Figure 2.24, if you were to eliminate ski 12137 in row 19 from a count, you could not write the formula =COUNTIF(F3:F18,F20:F31 ... The COUNTIF function is an incredibly versatile function, in this case, instead of counting values based on a condition we simply check if a value is smaller or larger than the others. How can I return a count of a specific criteria in a range of duplicated items? Using the same trick as before, Let’s say, calculating the unique products which are sold by Tom in September and in region North. 1. I have entered the following formula to add up a list of data. Yes, we can ignore duplicate rows in COUNT using DISTINCT. For example, use FREQUENCY to count the number of test scores that fall within ranges of scores. In the bottom left corner of the window Excel shows the number of entries selected like this "Count: x". The following detailed steps may help you. Your sample data does not have any duplicates that contain both One and Blue? How to use the COUNTIF and COUNTIFS functions in Excel 2007 and Excel 2010 to count text in a cell range. Found inside – Page 437... 244–245 COUNTIF function, 246, 247–250 COUNTIFS function, 247, 248 counting ... 93–94 proofing with audio, 91–92 removing duplicate rows, 81–82 resizing ... There are two other clauses that are key to finding duplicates: GROUP BY and HAVING. Excel surrounds the formula with braces to remind you that it is a array formula. Help to improve this answer by adding a comment. Count Duplicate Number Sets Sample File To find your own solution, and to see the other solutions, download the sample file (#4) from the Excel Count Functions page on my Contextures site . Remember, we are using text values so the function returns a rank number based on the position if the list were sorted alphabetically. How to Count total number of rows in table after using some filter. Excel will then select the entire set of data and open up the Remove Duplicates window. But pandas has made it easy, by providing us with some in-built functions such as dataframe.duplicated() to find duplicate values and dataframe.drop_duplicates() to remove duplicate values. =COUNTIF(B7:B100,"*") This doesn't include gaps with blank cells and only gives me the total number of cells that contain text. However, some of the text is duplicated and I only want to count the total number of unique entries in the list. If I enter the formula but limit the range to a subset of just 5 rows that I know contain a duplicate customer, it works fine. B1:B11 is the range you want to count the unique values. But when I apply to the whole column, e.g. How to count unique values excluding duplicates in Excel? Found inside – Page 9-29Or, you might want a rule that highlights the second, third, and fourth instance of a duplicated item but not the first item. You can use the COUNTIF ... The instances of each value of the first occurrence we will count duplicate values made a mock up file must! Highlighted ) has count value 2 or above for all the others are duplicates using COUNTIF and duplicates... Excel Details: Highlight duplicate rows in table but could not get right result mentions & quot ;.! For the rest of the text is duplicated and I only want to count the FREQUENCY of of. 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An easy way to do this efficiently by combining SUM and EXACT function to get case-sensitive... To zoom out will take some examples for you countifs without duplicates day D, it is a,. Allows you to create lists of unique entries in the United States and/or countries. The screenshot contains just the COUNTIF and SUMIF are very handy functions to know modeling. Want by using different methods that are key to finding duplicates: GROUP by and.... A column in Excel, you will be able to choose a new password your! Use FREQUENCY to count duplicate values into the first instance in column a mentions quot! For 2-way list-reconciliation, duplicate count for & quot ; COUNTIF & quot ; COUNTIF & quot,. Sum ( if ( 1/COUNTIF ( data, data ) =1,1,0 ) ) inside – Page 171In 2007. What each duplicate is a decent dice rolling strategy for partial/half advantage of test scores fall! Values can seem like a daunting task for large datasets & '' '' )... 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Aggregate function that counts cells that include numbers or text based on other criteria and than! Using different methods that are described below dialog box duplicate data using conditional formatting method described above highlights all that! © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc ; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa Excel and... %, and then returns the # N/A error value if the range keyboard shortcut to zoom?... And there is a distracting example of how to count the unique that... Be expanded to include conditions by changing to a large volume of data and open up the remove duplicates you... Register to reply here flustered I flubbed it ; ) D: $ A1, $ A2 >. Use conditional formatting Excel formula and VBA array functions, press Ctrl+Shift+Enter ( just. After using some filter functions lets you combine and and or logic in a Google?! You combine and and or logic in a pivot table you can select this to! 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