The book outlines techniques for flap harvest, from the most basic to the highly advanced. Accompanying the book are four supplemental DVDs that demonstrate actual operating procedures. Try again to score 100%. Superior epigastric, branch of internal thoracic artery. PMC From anterior division 1. The anterior branch runs downward on the sartorius, perforates the fascia lata at the lower third of the thigh, and divides into two branches: one supplies . The upper part of the main trunk is named the femoral, the lower part the popliteal. Accessibility At the medial side of the knee it gives off a large infrapatellar branch, which pierces the sartorius and fascia lata, and is distributed to the skin in front of the patella. The femoral artery is now known as the popliteal artery. Saphenous 9. It runs downward and medially successively via the femoral triangle and adductor canal, and shifts the popliteal artery as it moves through an opening in adductor magnus near the junction of the middle and distal thirds of the thigh. The femoral artery has the following branches: Superficial Epigastric - This artery arises from the front of the femoral artery, about a cm below the inguinal canal. • Two cases are presented exhibiting symptoms and signs of bilateral anterior femoral cutaneous nerve injury, clinically sparing femoral nerve branches to the saphenous nerve and quadriceps muscles. Found inside – Page 150The first musculo-cutaneous branch is the main supply artery for the ALT ... The lateral femoral cutaneous nerve and its anterior branch Myocutaneous artery ... The femoral artery is the extension of the external iliac artery at the inguinal ligament that serves as the dividing line between the pelvis and the leg. 78.3).All three branches can give off cutaneous perforators to the anterolateral . Hung CC, Wu JL, Li YT, Cheng YW, Wu CC, Shen HC, Yeh TT. The anterior femoral nerve's cutaneous (skin) branches and the saphenous nerve allow you to feel pressure, pain, temperature, and other sensations along the front and inner portions of your thigh. Clin Orthop Relat Res. Quadriceps femoris (rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis and vastus intermedius) – extends the leg at the knee joint. Found inside – Page 479... 3 Femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve 4 Superficial inguinal lymph nodes 5 Saphenous opening with femoral artery and vein 6 Lateral femoral cutaneous ... what is the arterial supply to the adductor muscles. Fig 2 – Anatomical course of the femoral nerve and its two cutaneous branches – anterior cutaneous fibres and saphenous nerve. A branch of the anterior division supplies the hip joint and the majority of the adductor muscles, and an arterial branch travels to the femoral artery. The lateral femoral cutaneous nerve is a branch of the lumbar plexus, exiting the spinal cord between the l2 and. The mean distance from the mid inguinal point to the origin of Medial circumflex femoral artery was 2.68cm when it arises from femoral artery and 4.5cm when it arises from profunda femoral artery. femoral cutaneous, and the peroneal (fibular) and tibial, which arise from the sciatic nerve, and the superior and inferior gluteal nerves. Found insideThis practical, comprehensive anatomy book arms FRCA candidates with detailed, robust anatomical knowledge via a question-based approach. The femoral nerve is split by the lateral circumflex femoral artery into an . Superficial branches of the femoral artery- Superficial epigastric artery, superficial circumflex iliac artery, and superficial external pudendal artery. ; Below the knee, the branches of the saphenous nerve (medial crural cutaneous branches) are distributed to the . The perineal branches of the posterior femoral cutaneous nerve are distributed to the skin at the upper and medial side of the thigh. 2010 Apr;23(3):304-11. doi: 10.1002/ca.20943. Copyright © 2016 - 2019 How To Relief. The femoral artery can be pressed against the femoral head at the mid-inguinal point to manage the bleeding in the distal part of the limb. Correct answer : D. This volume presents thirteen chapters dealing with the applied anatomy of free skin flap, muscle, bone and omental grafting and of intestinal and small organ transplantation including reconstruction of the thumb using toes. a Sketch of the schematic illustration of the electrode placements for the electrophysiological study.S stimulating electrode, R recording electrode, G ground, FAr femoral artery.b Averaged traces from right (R) (top trace) and left (L) (bottom trace) medial femoral cutaneous nerve.c Ultrasonography imaging (transverse scan) of the right and left medial femoral cutaneous (1) and intermediate . Found inside – Page 117Deep circumflex iliac artery Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve Sartorius muscle ... transverse and descending branches of Lateral circumflex femoral artery ... Relationships of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve to bony landmarks. Variability of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve: An anatomic basis for planning safe surgical approaches. Rectus femoris also steadies the hip joint and assists iliopsoas in flexing the thig. Yes - lateral femoral cutaneous nerve of the thigh. After exiting the femoral triangle, the femoral artery extends down the anterior surface of the thigh and supplies the anterior thigh muscles. Posterior view. Femoral Artery Branches. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. Blood supply: Descending branch of lateral femoral circumflex artery. • Multiple muscular and sensory branches in femoral triangle Saphenous nerve is largest cutaneous branch of femoral nerve - Enters adductor canal until 10 cm proximal to knee where it pierces fascia between gracilis and sartorius muscles to become subcutaneous and join long saphenous vein The profunda femoris artery and its companion vein lie backward in the upper part of the femoral artery, where it lies on the pectineus muscle. Medial plantar 11. It proceeds vertically along the medial side of the knee behind the sartorius, pierces the fascia lata between the tendons of the sartorius and . Original Author(s): Dr Krupa Samani Last updated: January 28, 2019 Branches from the femoral nerve to mm tensor fasciae latae and adductor longus have been reported. The long saphenous vein is accompanied in its course by the saphenous nerve. These cookies do not store any personal information. Found insideA single, comprehensive text covering all the MCQs required to prepare for both the Primary and Final FRCA exams. Learn more about the hardest working muscle in the body with this quick guide to the anatomy of the heart. It crosses within the femoral triangle lateral to the femoral vessels and gives off articular branches to the hip and knee joints.The terminal cutaneous branch of the femoral nerve is the saphenous nerve that continues, with the femoral artery and vein, within the adductor canal. The measurement data are also useful for localizing the LFCN with higher accuracy. Found inside – Page 67As it travels to the inferior border of the adductor longus, an arterial branch supplies the femoral artery, and a cutaneous branch communicates with the ... The popliteal artery branches off from the femoral artery. Medial surral 6. The last cutaneous branch of the femoral nerve is the saphenous nerve which supplies the skin on the medial side of the leg and the foot. 2. what are the boundaries of the femoral triangle. The femoral nerve originates from the lumbar plexus, arising from the ventral rami of L2-L4 spinal nerves n fact, it is the longest branch of the lumbar plexus. Sartorius, as innervated by the anterior cutaneous branch of the femoral nerve. It’s further the chosen vessel for performing the coronary angiography and angioplasty. Medial femoral cutaneous 3. The femoral artery is accompanied by the femoral vein. Anatomy of this nerve is highly variab … This article reports a case of anatomical variation of the anterior cutaneous branch of femoral nerve. 2021 Aug 20;16(1):513. doi: 10.1186/s13018-021-02661-6. The femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve is from the lumbar plexus, specifically L1 & L2. Branches [edit | edit source] Motor [edit | edit source] The first motor branch innervates iliacus. Moreover, measurement data regarding its branches including the differences between genders and sides are still lacking. It moves medially behind the femoral vessels and enrolls the medial fascial compartment of the thigh. Nerves of the right lower extremity. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. Learn about the organs and body parts. 2021 Mar;35(3):1116-1125. doi: 10.1007/s00464-020-07476-w. Epub 2020 May 19. In the thigh, the femoral artery passes through the femoral triangle, a wedge-shaped depression formed by muscles in the upper thigh.The medial and lateral boundaries of this triangle are formed by the medial margin of adductor longus and the medial margin of sartorius . The saphenous nerve also provides sensation to the inside of the lower leg and the foot. How To Protect Your Eyes From Electronics Devices? Found inside – Page 1581Called also cricothyroid artery. ra0mi cru0ris ce0rebri arte0riae ... ner0vi femora0lis [TA] anterior cutaneous branches of femoral nerve: branches that ... In contrast, the values varied considerably in the cases with three or more branches (three cases). Less Commonly Used Flaps. The saphenous vein is often stripped in individuals with problematic varicose veins. The femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve is from the lumbar plexus, specifically L1 & L2. When the descending branch was absent, this cutaneous branch came from the medial or lateral femoral circumflex artery or as a perforator of the deep artery of the thigh. [caption id="attachment_9947" align="aligncenter" width="266"], [caption id="attachment_15943" align="aligncenter" width="593"], [caption id="attachment_8502" align="aligncenter" width="400"], [caption id="attachment_15944" align="aligncenter" width="292"]. Found inside – Page 199In its course through the femoral triangle it ascends posteriorly and ... The cutaneous branches are the intermediate and medial femoral cutaneous nerves. B. Femoral nerve is lateral to the upper part of the femoral artery in the femoral triangle. Found inside – Page 142... nerve can give off the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve. This supplies not only the iliacus muscle, but also sends small branches to the femoral artery. inguinal ligament, adductor longus, sartorius. The saphenous nerve, about the middle of the thigh, gives off a branch which joins the subsartorial plexus. It gives muscular branches to the adductor longus, adductor brevis, gracilis, and occasionally the pectineus, and it terminates as a small nerve that innervates the femoral artery (Figure 4). Its branches are: superficial iliac circumflex (3). C. Femoral branch of genitofemoral nerve is lateral to the upper part of femoral artery within the femoral sheath. (Nerve visible at bottom right, but not labeled.) Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! Posterior view. The perineal branches of the posterior femoral cutaneous nerve are distributed to the skin at the upper and medial side of the thigh. Majkrzak A, Johnston J, Kacey D, Zeller J. Clin Anat. Sartorius – flexes, abducts and laterally rotates the thigh at the hip joint. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Injuries to the femoral artery can need reattachment surgery. MeSH (Perineal branch labeled at upper left.) Intermediate femoral cutaneous nerve : After piercing fascia lata 8 cm below inguinal ligament goes down in front of thigh supplying that area upto knee joint and also form patellar plexus. Found inside – Page xviiThe Superficial Femoral ArteryBranches of Common Iliac Arteries 683 Muscular ... Branches Vaginal Artery 688 Surgical Anatomy 689 Cutaneous Branches ... Pedicle length: Up to 7 centimeters or longer, depending on how the flap is designed and where the perforator(s) enter the flap. Minimally invasive treatment for anterior pelvic ring injuries with modified pedicle screw-rod fixation: a retrospective study. They supply the skin on the anteromedial thigh. Regarding side and gender, asymmetry in the branching pattern was found in one fourth of specimens. The femoral nerve is the largest branch of the lumbar plexus. Phruetthiphat OA, Sangthumprateep V, Trakulngernthai S, Aegakkatajit N, Chotanaphuti T, Chanpoo M. J Orthop Surg Res. Medially, the femoral artery is related to the femoral vein in the upper part of its course. Lateral cutaneous branches of posterior intercostal arteries. Superficial fibular 7. Deep circumfles, branch of external iliac artery. 1. The anterior femoral cutaneous nerves are branches of femoral nerve. The. Found insideConcise anatomical text and descriptions of procedures are supported by high-quality, anatomical illustrations linked to clinical images. The femoral nerve (yellow) passes posterior to the inguinal ligament (purple dotted line) , enters the femoral triangle, and sends branches to the pectineus, rectus femoris, and hip joint. In this article, we shall look at the anatomy of the femoral nerve – its anatomical course, functions, and clinical correlations. Use the information in this article to help you with the answers. The deep femoral artery (DFA) is the largest branch of the common femoral artery (CFA), supplying with its branches, the medial circumflex femoral artery (MCFA) and lateral circumflex femoral artery (LCFA), the thigh muscles, the hip joint, and the femur. D. The medial cutaneous nerve of thigh crosses the artery from medial to lateral side near the apex of femoral triangle. an artery running horizontally near the lateral line and serving the superficial muscle layers. , which is the main artery of the thigh. Link to PayPal donation femoral artery is a large artery in the thigh and the main arterial supply to t. The venous system of the lower limbs consists of a superficial and a. deep venous system. Pectineus - adducts and flexes the thigh, assists with medial rotation of the thigh. The medial cutaneous nerve ( internal cutaneous nerve) passes obliquely across the upper part of the sheath of the femoral artery, and divides in front, or at the medial side of that vessel, into two branches, an anterior and a posterior. It supplies branches to the iliacus and pectineus muscles prior to entering the thigh. This study was, therefore, done to clarify these issues. Iliacus – acts with psoas major and psoas minor (forming iliopsoas) to flex the thigh at the hip joint and stabilise the hip joint. Bookshelf Correct answer : D. Laterally, the femoral artery is related to the femoral nerve and its branches. From here, it travels through the femoral sheath and the fabscia cribrosa, turning upward in front of the inginual ligament, and then ascends between the layers of the superficial fascisa. Wang Q, Yang Y, Yang Z, Hu Y, Zhao X, Chen C, Kang P. Orthop Surg. Femoral artery bypass. Flexes the leg at the knee joint. Femoral artery usually is palpated through the skin, it is frequently used as a catheter access artery. Would you like email updates of new search results? Found inside – Page 134Genital Branch ) Cremasteric A. Lymph Gland — ' Femoral Canal- Femoral A & V - Lateral ... lliac Spine Superficial Circumflex lliac Artery Lateral Cutaneous. Concise text covers the core anatomy, physiology and biochemistry in an integrated manner as required by system-based and problem-based medical courses. Authors from University of Sydney, Australia. After arising from the lumbar plexus, the femoral nerve travels inferiorly through the psoas major muscle of the posterior abdominal wall. The superficial epigastric artery is a small branch that crosses the inguinal ligament and runs to the region of the umbilicus. The femoral artery lies midway within the anterior superior iliac spine and the symphysis pubis. The saphenous branch, also named the saphenous artery, follows the saphenous nerve as it rises via the roof of adductor canal. Occasionally an oblique branch presents between the transverse and descending branches (Fig. It travels through the adductor canal (accompanied by the femoral artery and vein) and exits prior to the adductor hiatus. – Easy Explanation, Top 18 Health Benefits of Drinking Water, List of Best Orthopedic Surgeons in the World 2019. Found insideThe new edition of the highly successful Anaesthesia Science Viva Book incorporates this new clinical emphasis, giving candidates an insight into the way the viva works, offering general guidance on exam technique, and providing readily ... The terminal cutaneous branch of the femoral nerve is the saphenous nerve. (a) The cutaneous nerves are: Femoral nerve (Nervus femoralis) The femoral nerve is a mixed nerve of the lower limb that innervates the muscles and skin of the hip and thigh.. In a femoral triangle, the profunda femoris artery rises from the posterolateral slant of the femoral artery. Once you've finished editing, click 'Submit for Review', and your changes will be reviewed by our team before publishing on the site. Found inside – Page 74117.49 A, Nerves and arteries of the right ... No cutaneous branches arise directly from the femoral nerve, nor can a branch be found going to the hip joint. It arises partly from the dorsal divisions of the first and second, and from the ventral divisions of the second and third sacral nerves, and issues from the pelvis through the greater sciatic foramen . first in the femoral triangle, and later in the adductor canal, before dividing into the deep femoral artery and the superficial femoral artery. Then, the femoral vein gradually crosses to the lateral side posterior to the artery. 2021 Aug 11. The femoral artery is a continuation of the external iliac artery and constitutes the major blood supply to the lower limb. In a femoral triangle, the profunda femoris artery rises from the posterolateral slant of the femoral artery. In this article, we shall look at the anatomy of the femoral nerve - its anatomical course, functions, and clinical correlations. The superficial branches of the internal pudendal artery. The femoral artery gives off several branches in the thigh which include; The superficial circumflex iliac artery is a small branch that runs up to the region of the anterior superior iliac spine. Lateral surral 5. Found inside – Page 217Iliohypogastric nerve, anterior cutaneous branch Sacral nerves, ... nerve Femoral nerve Medial circumflex femoral artery Thorax Surface Anatomy . Found inside – Page 190 Inferior epigastric arteries: Branches of the external iliac arteries. ... iliac artery Cremasteric artery Epigastric, Femoral artery Cutaneous branches ... The posterior wall of the femoral sheath Intervenes between these structures. Cutaneous nerves anterior, lateral and posterior femoral cutaneous nerves, genitofemoral nerve, ilioinguinal nerve and cutaneous branch of the obturator nerve. Arguello E, Stoddard C, Liu HH, Richardson M, Hartis A. Anat Res Int. The anterior femoral cutaneous nerves are branches of femoral nerve. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. We . The main artery of the lower limb is the femoral artery. Posterior view. Femoral artery will divide into superficial and deep femoral artery. These findings suggest that asymmetry and multiple branches of the LFCN should be concerned. What is the source of the saphenous nerve? It also communicates with cutaneous branches of the femoral nerve within the adductor canal, forming the subsartorial plexus and providing innervation of the medial aspect of the thigh. Lowering down, however, the femoral and profunda arteries are divided by the adductor longus.The profunda femoris artery is a branch of the femoral artery itself. Peripheral artery bypass is surgery to reroute the blood supply around a blocked artery in one of your legs. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. The medial cutaneous nerve ( internal cutaneous nerve) passes obliquely across the upper part of the sheath of the femoral artery, and divides in front, or at the medial side of that vessel, into two branches, an anterior and a posterior. These nerves join to form the largest branch of the lumbar plexus. Lateral femoral circumflex artery (LFCA) arises from the deep femoral artery. Because of its proximity to the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) and hip joint, the LFCN is prone to injuries during various procedures. The femoral artery passes through this opening and penetrates the posterior compartment of the thigh, proximal to the knee. Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve (LFCN) generally emerges from the pelvis behind the inguinal ligament (IL) to the thigh. Pectineus – adducts and flexes the thigh, assists with medial rotation of the thigh. It sends a branch to the hip joint and supplies most of the adductor muscles and an arterial branch to the femoral artery before communicating with cutaneous branches of the femoral nerve in the adductor canal (subsartorial plexus) and supplying skin on the medial aspect of the thigh. Epub 2011 Mar 22. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. Blood Vessels and Lymphatics Great saphenous vein Inguinal (superficial and deep) and femoral lymph nodes Femoral artery and vein Profunda femoris Lateral femoral circumflex artery Medial femoral circumflex artery Nerves Cutaneous and motor branches of femoral nerve, especially saphenous nerve Obturator nerve: anterior and posterior divisions Miscellaneous Femoral Triangle Adductor canal Pes . Medial femoral cutaneous nerve : The deep external pudendal artery moves medially and provides the skin of the scrotum. At the level of inguinal crease more than one femoral artery may be seen. At its distal edge, it flexes over and descends posterior to the femur before developing the popliteal artery. Surg Endosc. To find out more, read our privacy policy. Prevention and treatment information (HHS). The location of lateral femoral cutaneous nerve (LFCN) in relation to the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) and the iliac crest was investigated in 96 embalmed cadaveric specimens. Found inside – Page 357The femoral nerve is the largest branch of the lumbar plexus • It is a ... It is situated lateral to the femoral artery and outside the femoral sheath The ... • The femoral nerve is located just lateral to the common femoral artery in the femoral triangle • Complications are reduced when ultrasound guided access is performed6 Ultrasound image of the femoral triangle structures from lateral to medial (N), Common femoral artery (A), and Common femoral vein (v) From the inguinal ligament, the femoral artery carries downwards and medially. The medial cutaneous nerve (internal cutaneous nerve) passes obliquely across the upper part of the sheath of the femoral artery, and divides in front, or at the medial side of that vessel, into two branches, an anterior and a posterior. 24) Regarding the femoral artery: a) it enters the thigh directly beneath the deep inguinal ring b) it lies lateral to the femoral nerve in the femoral sheath c) it gives rise to the profunda femoris artery which pierces the femoral sheath d) does not contribute to the trochanteric anastomosis e) its branches include the superficial epigastric . Vascular branch : To proximal part of femoral artery. The portion of the nerve arising from L4 may run a separate course. A femoral nerve block can also be used as peri- and post-operative analgesia for patients with a fractured neck of femur who cannot tolerate particular analgesics. Anatomy of this nerve is highly variable among studies. The femoral vein is directly behind the artery at the apex of the femoral triangle, and lateral to the lower end of the artery. The descending genicular artery leaves the canal by descending inside the substance of vastus medialis and divides into articular and saphenous branches. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The upper part of the main trunk is named the femoral, the lower part the popliteal. At its origin, it gives off the medial and lateral femoral circumflex arteries, and throughout its course, it gives off three perforating arteries. The saphenous branch crosses the artery within the adductor canal. Eighty-five thighs from 43 cadavers of both genders were dissected at the inguinal region. Anterior section. femoral artery. Synonym(s): rami cutanei anteriores nervi femoralis [TA], anterior femoral cutaneous nerves Disclaimer, National Library of Medicine Found inside... 13 Posterior femoral cutaneous nerve, 135 Posterior fornix, 126 Posterior humeral circumflex artery, 159 Posterior intercostal spaces, 19 Posterior ... Bethesda, MD 20894, Help Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve and iliac crest bone grafts--anatomical and clinical considerations. The femoral nerve then passes underneath the inguinal ligament to enter the femoral triangle. Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve (LFCN) generally emerges from the pelvis behind the inguinal ligament (IL) to the thigh. The medial cutaneous nerve (ramus cutaneus anterior; internal cutaneous nerve), branch of the femoral nerve, passes obliquely across the upper part of the sheath of the femoral artery, and divides in front, or at the medial side of that vessel, into two branches, an anterior and a posterior.. Damage to the saphenous nerve during this procedure can lead to pain, paraesthesia or complete loss of sensation the medial side of the lower leg. The artery which supplies the greater part of the lower extremity is the direct continuation of the external iliac. Epub 2006 Jan 18. The profunda femoris artery is a noble and important branch that rises from the lateral side of the femoral artery about 4 cm inferior the inguinal ligament. Found inside – Page 244... is located lateral and posterior to the femoral artery. The anterior division of the femoral nerve gives off (Table 1): • Anterior cutaneous branches. We use cookies to improve your experience on our site and to show you relevant advertising. Motor Functions : Muscular Branches of Femoral Nerve Distances from each branch of the LFCN to palpable landmarks: the ASIS, pubic tubercle (PT) and femoral artery (FA) were measured along the IL. Anatomy, Bony Pelvis and Lower Limb, Lateral Femoral Cutaneous Nerve. Because of its proximity to the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) and hip joint, the LFCN is prone to injuries during various procedures. Found inside – Page 112The medial femoral cutaneous nerve is a branch of the femoral nerve (L2, 3). ... The femoral canal, vein and artery are within the sheath; ... Of Drinking Water, List of Best Orthopedic Surgeons in the femoral usually. Apex of femoral artery is a small branch that crosses the inguinal region ligament ( IL ) the... The differences to the iliacus and pectineus muscles prior to the femoral cutaneous nerve is branch. Only some minor differences between genders or sides in the body with this guide... Is accompanied in its course on your website, Top 18 Health Benefits of Water... The single trunk ( Fig lateral... lliac spine superficial circumflex iliac artery, and.... Frequently used as a result of the leg nerve, some of which cross it we shall at. 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V, Trakulngernthai s, Aegakkatajit N, Chotanaphuti T, Chanpoo M. J Orthop Surg posterolateral... Accompanying the book will be stored in your browser only with your consent branches which course superficial deep... Medially behind the inguinal ligament ( IL ) to the femoral artery 2021 Jan– leg and symphysis!, comprehensive anatomy book arms FRCA candidates with detailed, robust anatomical knowledge a! Femoral, the femoral artery varied considerably in the knee to load your collection to... The thigh must be a premium subscriber: • anterior cutaneous branch of femoral triangle medial cutaneous nerve split! Nerve as it continues, the femoral artery in the inguinal ligament to enter the femoral and... Orthopedic Surgeons in the femoral artery are the superficial muscle layers 10.1007/s00464-020-07476-w. Epub 2020 may 19 of ultrasound,!
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