It states: "Vulg [ate] vv. Don’t let the Witnesses run you in circles. The Cure For Snake Bites (Num. The Trinity. Remember when you’re Witnessing, you are not there to win an argument, but to show them the error of their ways in a loving and Christ-like manner, but also you are not to be afraid to boldly defend the faith. Jehovah's Witnesses state that God's true name is "Jehovah.". The President is greater than you or I, correct? home > questionable doctrine > trinity. magazines, their only goal is to get you interested enough in their religion to consider becoming one of them.. First, this is the area where Watchtower theology deviates most dramatically from orthodox Christianity. The Jehovah’s Witness will agree. The Watchtower puts it this way: The doctrine in brief is that there are three gods in one: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost…the. Jehovah's Witnesses believe God is the Creator and Supreme Being. P.O. Say, “Well, here is one God with a capital G, what kind of god is He?” They’ll say, “A true god.”. So Thomas saw clearly that Jesus was God. Mention 1 John 5:7 and Jehovah's Witness will gleefully tell you that there is no such passage in the authentic New Testament. No. Others will say, “Yes, ours is the only true translation.”, It is then you say, “Let’s say your translation is correct and mine is wrong, you still have a problem. . Opposition In The Wilderness, Pt. Let’s see who is speaking in verse twelve. To cultivate a spiritually healthy church we need a shift in our metrics--a "grace-shift" that prioritizes the work of God in the lives of people over numbers and dollars. Are people growing in their esteem for Jesus? Question: Talking with Jehovah's Witness always gets confusing. In Psalm 89:27 God says of David, “I also shall make him My first-born, the highest of the kings of the earth.” Let’s take a good look and see how first- born is used here. We covered some effective techniques such as the Witnesses' record of false prophecy, the name "Jehovah", the bodily resurrection of Christ, and the personality of the Holy Spirit. Ask them, “If we were to go to the local library here, we would find over thirty translations of the Bible. The Giant Of Discouragement (Num. What I mean is, Is there anything about the President that makes him a superior being to you or me? They believe that Michael was the first angel created by God the Father, and is second in command in God's organization. @j2���n�����# ���>���+E�D��\��;w��DZq^�����R̒xU Now here the Witnesses will think you’re falling into their trap for they have a different translation. Don’t give up or be discouraged when sharing with Witnesses. 2. But if I had. Articles and answers on lots of topics at See historical chart positions, reviews, and more. Michael was then used by God to create the rest of the universe. They deny the Trinity. I am interested to know why Jehovah's Witness don't believe in the Trinity. My question is in Daniel when he says that Michael the Archangel will lead the people, how do I explain to my aunt and cousins that Jesus is NOT Michael and is fully God and fully man even though they interpret most angel verses in the Bible as Jesus such as "Angel of the Lord" is Jesus? God the Son - the incarnation of God as a human being, Jesus Christ, on Earth. I am the root and the offspring of David, the bright morning star.” It is Jesus speaking in verse twelve. 1 Jo 5:7-8 read as follows 'There are three witnesses in heaven: the Father the Word and the Spirit, and these three are one; there are three witnesses on earth: the Spirit the water and the blood'. 1, (Num. I am living forever.” Who is speaking here? Visit Probe's website. . You pick the topic and keep them on the topic you choose, instead of having them ask you all the questions, you have some questions ready for them to answer. one wishes to talk to the J Ws, or whether one simply wishes to learn more about the Trinity. The Holy Spirit is also a separate person, and He is also called God. What follows is the line of reasoning Cetnar presented. Aquire a basic knowledge of Jehovah's Witnesses beliefs and practices. Later, at the appointed time, Michael was born to the virgin Mary as a human being, thus ceasing to be an angel. © 2021 Evidence and Answers. In the Old Testament use of the word, he is first-born in that he is preeminent or sovereign of all the kings of the earth. Though they may be rude and show no signs that they are thinking, the Word of God is powerful and is working in their hearts even if we can’t see it. trailer
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When defending the Trinity to Witnesses, take charge of the conversation. The Holy Spirit is not a person, but a force. You see, greater refers to position, not nature. It is used to mean “origin or source of, or ruler,” but not first creation. Countering these non-Christian views will… As I mentioned earlier, the Jehovah's Witnesses believe that the Holy Spirit is not a person because they see the Holy Spirit as a force--much like electricity or fire. These three persons are of the same substance, equal in power and glory. The key to understanding this verse is understanding the term first-born, what does it mean? Once again you use the same concept of equal in nature, but Christ submitted Himself to the Father. �n�7/�7��k,���"��c�M�%��H0��&����D�d��M�ĉ_��4�K|��E���$��=-�K�N�{���zUً�Qb^Җ%oW�,�� [�EN�Yv2�o>gC��br��8�ҷw�x�u�l'�E$^O�H��_5��v�l�i&38)��Av;՞-��=֍2��쮦nM�G�8���� ��sP'i��M8NJt9Y����_���"^�\`6��X����حܻ���q�+~RΉQ��1��`5�_�7�4��J|o�o�Y�~*�&��h���o^� �g��b�_���j���r�~m`�?�*�6��Gv(
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� Article contributed by Probe Ministries
Debunking Jehovah's Witnesses false teachings and false doctrines on Jesus is not God is knowing what the Bible really teaches. The fifth edition of this highly acclaimed book is fully updated to cover recent changes in law and medical practice. Clear explanations of legal issues make this book accessible and absorbing. To answer these objections, explain to the Jehovah's Witness that because God in His very nature cannot be seen, tempted, nor physically die to pay for the sins of mankind, it was necessary for Jesus to add a human nature to His Divine person so that He could redeem mankind. Now show the Jehovah’s Witnesses that in this passage, the head of the woman is man. The verse they use here is Colossians 1:15, “And He is the image of the invisible God, the first-born of all creation.” Here the Witnesses say Christ is the first-born which they say means, “first created being of God.” Therefore, they conclude Jesus cannot be God since He was created. Here again we see Jesus is God. Cults - Jehovah's Witnesses What do Jehovah's Witnesses teach about the Trinity? Then turn to Revelation 22:12-13 which says, “Look I am coming quickly, and the reward I give is with me....I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.” Ask the Witnesses, “Who do you say the Alpha and Omega is?” They will say, “Jehovah.” Now take a careful look. Then ask them, “Are you willing to say all the translators for the past centuries have been wrong and only yours is correct?” If they’re honest, they’ll think about it. Yet, there are three separate persons in the Bible who are called God and have the characteristics only God can have. What I mean is, is there anything about the President that makes him a superior being to you or me? How many gods do you have in that verse?” Then you take their Bible and count the number of gods with them. At this point we need to look at verses Jehovah’s Witnesses use to attempt to disprove the Trinity and learn how to refute these arguments. Another verse the Witnesses use to show Jesus was created is Revelation 3:14, “And to the angel of Laodicea write: ‘The Amen, the faithful and true witness, the Beginning of the creation of God....’“ Here the faithful witness is Jesus and He is called, “The Beginning of the creation.”. There is a knock at your door. I am the root and the offspring of David, the bright morning star.” It is Jesus speaking in verse 12. Ask them, “If we were to go to the local library here, we would find over thirty translations of the Bible. There are many false teachings and false doctrines that the Jehovah's Witnesses have been taught to believe about God, the Trinity doctrine, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Gospel. He is a person and has the characteristics of a person. We see in Philippians 2:6-8, that Christ though He was in the form of God, did not consider equality with God a thing to be grasped but emptied Himself and submitted Himself to the Father and took on the form of a servant. Jesus was never created. Found insideCult Shock provides all the tools you need to proclaim the real Jesus with fearless confidence! Jehovah's Witnesses say they are the only true Christians, but they are neither Protestant nor Catholic. Then how is it that David is the first-born? When I was in seminary in the 1970's, I took Cults from Walter Martin and he had former Jehovah's Witness Bill Cetnar speak to the class. How many would translate it your way?” The truth is only one would, theirs. JW: Why didn't the first Christians believe in a . Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in the Trinity Doctrine simply because Scripture, when taken in context, never describes the God of the Bible as being part of a Trinity. The verses they use here are John 14:28 and 1 Corinthians 11:3. How many years did Lazarus live after Jesus raised him from the dead? We covered some effective techniques such as the Witnesses’ record of false prophecy, the name “Jehovah”, the bodily resurrection of Christ, and the personality of the Holy Spirit. In this book, Biblical truth is presented in an effective way that challenges the common reasoning embraced by faithful members of the Watchtower organization. They annoyed me and they do not understand my wish to stay as Catholic. They live daily under the unbearable burden placed on them by the Watchtower. Too many Christians lack a solid understanding of the Triune nature of God. But, is the President better than you or I? CARM.ORG, The Christian Apologetics & Research Ministry This short book will simply explain what they believe, how their beliefs compare to the Bible, and how to share the gospel with them. Not only that, have the Witnesses read on with you to verse 18. When defending the Trinity to Witnesses, take charge of the conversation. He is more than prepared to confront you on major doctrines, with special emphasis placed on Jesus' divinity and the Trinity. So we see clearly that there are three persons in the Bible, and all three are called God. Jehovah's Witnesses might also tell you that the Trinity is a pagan concept. These three persons are of the same substance, equal in power and glory. We covered some effective techniques such as the Witnesses' record of false prophecy, the name Jehovah, the bodily resurrection of Christ, and the personality of the Holy Spirit. The Jehovah’s Witness will agree. Here is a good example I use in illustrating this passage. +60. Today we know of hundreds he pulled out of the organization. Though they may be rude and show no signs that they are thinking, the Word of God is powerful and is working in their hearts even if we can’t see it. If Paul wanted to say Christ was the first created being, he would have used this word but he does not. Here the principle of headship and submission established by God is displayed both in marriage and in the Trinity. While conversing with Jehovah's Witnesses, you can read verbatim those quotes from their own literature, and ask them to explain them to you. Jesus was an exalted man that God used to create the earth, but Jesus himself is a created being—not God. Dr. Pat Zukeran provides Christians with a biblical perspective on countering the false teaching of Jehovah's Witnesses regarding the nature of God and the Trinity. If Paul wanted to say Christ was the first created being, he would have used this word but he does not. These three persons make up the one true God. Look at that phrase in its context . In writing this book, I was mindful of the many areas of conflict that exist between Christian and Christian, Christian and Jew, Christian and Jehovah Witness, Members of The Church of Latter Day Saints and others. It's been so difficult that some Christian sects have just repudiated the concept altogether, such as the Jehovah Witnesses. Does that mean Jehovah was created? . Found inside – Page 217... the Witness may attempt to turn the tables on you by asking you to define both ... To the Jehovah's Witness mind the Trinity is a repugnant three-headed ... Well, your difficulty in explaining the Trinity to your friend is quite natural since the concept has been historically hard to explain. But, is the President better than you or I? Jehovah's Witnesses and the Trinity: A Christian Perspective. Therefore, the Witnesses use of the term beginning, is incorrect. These are two great verses to use when witnessing to Jehovah’s Witnesses. . true God, Jehovah. The word "Trinity" is not used in the Bible, but the concept is certainly present throughout Scripture. They apparently have not read the early Church Fathers. The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is the religious organization that is in control of what Jehovah's Witnesses believe and what they are to teach others. 2) Yet the Word was God. Found inside – Page 126Witnesses identify worship to Jehovah as false because of their belief Satan controls the ways and institutions of humans, including, according to Reasoning ... Here is an example of the use of the term better in Hebrews 1:4 (NAS); it says speaking of Jesus, “having become as much better than the angels, as He has inherited a more excellent name than they.” The NI V reads, “So he became as much superior to the angels....” Here we see that Jesus is a being superior to the angels, so the term better, is used. Here the faithful witness is Jesus and He is called, “The Beginning of the creation.” The Greek word for beginning is arche, which is used in many ways. Some claim the Bible does not teach the Trinity Doctrine! He is the author of several bo... More, 15. No. Paul makes a clear warning of this in 2 Corinthians 11:4. Continue to study the Word, and God bless you as you defend the faith. I am interested to know why Jehovah's Witness don't believe in the Trinity. The original version of this article is found at Therefore, the Witnesses use of the term beginning, is incorrect. This is a word (though not found in the Bible) that was coined to describe the three-fold personhood of God: Father, Son, and Spirit. Another verse the Witnesses use to show Jesus was created is Revelation 3:14, “And to the angel of The reasoning is a natural way to study scripture, but no way to comprehend Christ Jesus. They deny the Trinity and teach that Jesus is not God, but that he was the first creation of God, and created as an Archangel named Michael. No, he is the eighth and youngest son of Jesse. The Godhead can be explained in these simple terms: The Father thinks it; the Son says it; the holy spirit . And also you are not to be afraid to boldly defend the faith. The history of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society has gone through many doctrinal changes and prophetical allusions.… LA LIBERTÉ RELIGIEUSE DANS UNE SOCIÉTÉ SÉCULARISÉE : L'EXPÉRIENCE QUÉBÉCOISERELIGIOUS FREEDOM AND THE BEST INTERESTS OF THE CHILD : THE CASE OF JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES IN CHILD CUSTODY LITIGATION; ÉCHANGE GÉNÉRALISÉ ET POLITIQUE DE ... The writers of the New Testament, from the Gospels to the letters from Paul and the other apostles, Jesus was subservience to God. The next time you come up against a Jehovah's Witness or someone else who expresses doubt in the existence of the Trinity, be . Admittedly these writings are pretty slow going, but one ought not to make blind assertions concerning authors they have not thoroughly read. Then you go on and say, “Here’s another god with a small g, what kind of god is He?” They must say,” a true god.” Then you ask them, “How many gods do you have?” This is where they get stuck for they must either say two gods and be polytheists or deny their translation. .” Here we see that Jesus is a being superior to the angels, so the term better, is used. Vincent Verona - posted on July 20, 2019 9:32 pm The doctrine of the trinity simply isn't Biblical. 0000001441 00000 n
The words in italics (not in any of the early Greek MSS, or any of the early translations, or in the best MSS of . Look at verse sixteen, “I Jesus, sent my angel to bear witness to you people of these things for the congregations. Occasionally the doctrine of the Trinity is described as a "mystery" and as "incomprehensible". You see, greater refers to position, not nature. God/Jehovah - Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in the "trinity" - three persons of God - but believe there is just one person of God - Jehovah. 0000009292 00000 n
Debunking Jehovah's Witnesses false teachings and false doctrines on Jesus is not God is knowing what the Bible really teaches. Let's take a real close look at the name "Jehovah . 0000006615 00000 n
Jesus was never created. They’ll reply, “The beginning and the end.” Then ask them, “How many Alphas and Omegas can you have?” They’ll answer, “Only one.” Make sure you get this point across, there is only one Alpha and Omega. A second response they have is, Thomas looked at Jesus and said, “My Lord,” then looked to heaven and said, “My God.” There’s a problem with that too because the context does not say that. Found inside – Page 103Jehovah's Witness Jehovah's Witnesses stress the importance of God's ... to explain how Jesus was God, the trinity, is not believed by Jehovah's Witnesses. This book is meant to equip Christians to have productive conversations with Jehovah's Witnesses. This section does however focus on the Watchtower's booklet Should you Believe in the Trinity.For more exegetical responses to other anti-Trinitarian objections and assertions see: Oneness Objections to the Doctrine of the Trinity. Here’s an example of the meaning of the word. How Is the Trinity Explained? 5 thoughts on " The Trinity - An Introduction for Jehovah's Witnesses " Pingback: How to Talk to a Jehovah's Witness, Part 2 - TEP114 - Speak Life Georg Kaplin February 14, 2016 at 1:11 am. They will say, “Jehovah.” Now turn to Revelation 1:17-18 which says, “Do not be fearful; I am the First and the Last, and the living one; and I became dead but look! Remember, the Witnesses at your door won’t convert right then and there. 8:4; James 2:19 ), it is also true that three persons are called God in . You must read at least two books and answer nearly 100 questions before you qualify for baptism. Explaining the Trinity to the Jehovah's Witnesses by Jay Hess1 The Jehovah's Witnesses2 (hereafter abbreviated as J-Ws) hold to an Arian-like theology insisting that the Father alone is the One True God with the Son being Michael the archangel who is above all other angels. By Dr. Paul M. Elliott This is the fifth in a series of articles about the doctrines and practices of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society. Q&A: The Trinity, Dinosaurs, and Jehovah's Witnesses. Here’s an example of the meaning of the word. Turn with the Witness to Revelation 21:6. Next, you turn to the first text John 20:28, where Thomas, after seeing the resurrected Lord, proclaims to Jesus,” My Lord and My God.” Here, Thomas calls Jesus God. The doctrine of the Trinity is the belief that there is one God who has revealed Himself in three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. In this essay I would like to teach you how to defend the doctrine of the Trinity, a truth clearly denied by Jehovah’s Witnesses. Then how is it that David is the first-born? First, let us understand, the Holy Spirit is not an impersonal force. A Question the Jehovah's Witnesses Can't Answer. Catholic. When Jehovah's Witnesses come to your door offering Watchtower and Awake! The Greek word for “first created” is the word protoktioti. • Matthew 28:19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Don’t let the Witnesses run you in circles. Therefore, we come to the conclusion that the Trinity is made up of three separate persons who are the one true God. Gradually move on to a discussion of theological issues. %PDF-1.3
In the Old Testament use of the word, he is first- born in that he is pre-eminent or sovereign of all the kings of the earth. Before we can defend this doctrine, however, we must have a clear understanding of the Trinity. In contrast to the Trinitarian concept of one God in three Persons--Father, Son, and Holy Spirit--the JWs have been taught to believe that God the Father . In another essay (Jehovah’s Witnesses: Witnessing to the Witnesses) I discussed effective evangelistic strategies when sharing the faith with Jehovah’s Witnesses. John 1:1 says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Titus 2:13 says, “Looking for the blessed hope and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior, Christ Jesus.” So here we see clearly, the Son is also called God. 0000001282 00000 n
They always stop by in spring time. It is important we understand this doctrine because the wrong Jesus or the wrong God cannot save us from eternal death. Printer Friendly Version Introduction. Remember when you’re witnessing, you are not there to win an argument, but to show them the error of their ways in a loving and Christ-like manner. They say the term "God," is merely a title, and that the real name for God is "Jehovah.". Related Topics: Cults/Magic, Cultural Issues, Worldview, Patrick Zukeran is the founder and Executive Director of Evidence and Answers a research and teaching ministry specializing in Christian apologetics, the defense of the Christian faith. You have not lied to men, but to God.’”. Christ is inferior in nature to God. Let’s take a look at some verses that back up our doctrine of the Trinity. 0000002295 00000 n
The Father is obviously called God as seen throughout the Bible. He can be grieved (Eph. Found insideNow, no one, even a Jehovah's Witness, can explain God; therefore, it is logical that noone can fully explain the Trinity in finite terms. These are my favorite verses, and I have never had Witnesses refute these arguments. Where is the word Trinity is the Bible? 11:1-12:15), (Jehovah’s Witnesses: Witnessing to the Witnesses), Yet, we must remember, there is only one God according to the verses we looked at Deuteronomy 6:4 and Isaiah 44:6. I have used the illustration of the obedience given to a loving father. The key to understanding this verse is understanding the term first-born, what does it mean? He is the host of the radio show Evidence and Answers ( .’”. Now show the Jehovah’s Witnesses that in this passage, the head of the woman is man. Let’s take a look at some verses that back up our doctrine of the Trinity. Christians: Explain the Trinity (Jehovah's Witness, Mormons, church, scriptures) User Name: Remember Me: Password : Please register to participate in our discussions with 2 million other members - it's free and quick! So there is one member of the Trinity, the Father. Here is a good example I use in illustrating this passage. However, they have a different opinion on the learning of the trinity. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Though Jesus emptied Himself, He was always in nature God and equal to the Father in nature. The Holy Spirit is also a separate person, and He is also called God. The witnesses teach: 1. Yet another entry in our popular Beginning Apologetics series by Jim Burnham and father Frank Chacon, this volume deals with one of the doctrines at the center of our Faith, the Trinity.. Don’t give up or be discouraged when sharing with Witnesses. And if so, how? Trusted Bible teacher Ron Rhodes guides you through several realistic dialogues with Jehovah’s Witnesses, demonstrating helpful techniques for listening, asking questions, avoiding offense, and more. Ask the Witness, “What does Alpha and Omega mean?”. Found inside – Page 430“Is the Trinity a Bible Teaching?,” Jehovah's Witnesses, accessed July 11, 2019, ... “What Is Salvation?,” Jehovah's Witnesses, accessed June 28, 2019, ... Talk to the conclusion that the age-old King James version of this as I what... In explaining the Trinity doctrine, however, if we replaced it with first ”. Asked me to explain the fossils of Dinosaurs and why they died off discussion of theological issues together are 44:6! Defenses is a good offense - Breaking the Watchtower are Isaiah 44:6 Revelation. He can be lied to ( Act 5:3fl4 ) open up the Bible count... Gradually move on to a life of sinfulness revision of the United states he is a being superior to Trinity! 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