AMF will fund a yet-to-be-decided NGO to run the process in full consultation with the NDoH and RCPM. In this scenario, there is a re-visit record but no main record to match. Formerly known as. It was a failure of my imagination that. Rob Mather, CEO, AMF, conversation with GiveWell, June 18, 2018. Find out more about, Around 400,000 people die each year and 200+ million fall ill, A net is the most effective means of prevention, You can see exactly where the nets you fund are distributed, We add photos and video of each distribution. Between 1918 and 1940, 3800 malaria deaths in Sardinia dropped to just 138, a statistic not often revealed in Foundation reports. We expect distributions in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) to make up a large portion of AMF's funding portfolio in the next few years. Fourth, by having the same people covering the whole exercise they will get acquainted to the task and reduce errors on data collection. Found inside – Page 160Malaria Foundation International , “ Malaria Advocacy — The Beginnings ... Melinda Gates Foundation , “ Major Commitment to Global Fight Against Malaria ... In a separate intervention report, we discuss the evidence for the impact of mass distributions of LLINs. For example, our model does not include the short-term impact of non-fatal cases of malaria prevented on health or productivity, prevention of other mosquito-borne diseases, or reductions in health care costs due to LLINs reducing the number of cases of malaria. African leaders hailed for progress in fight against malaria. 7. "AMF prioritises among spending opportunities by considering the following factors, among others: 1. This understanding is based on many conversations with AMF, and from following AMF's progress over time. "That's where I gave half of my donations last year, and if I had your values, it's where I would give now." Web Developer . This understanding is based on many conversations with AMF and its distribution partners, and from following AMF's progress over time. In short: These two measures are subject to different potential sources of bias. Monitoring activities have varied somewhat for different distributions, and AMF has added additional components over time.11 In general, AMF conducts two types of monitoring: 1) process monitoring, whereby an independent partner funded by AMF monitors campaign planning and field activities to ensure they comply with processes required by AMF, and 2) post-distribution monitoring, whereby an independent partner funded by AMF surveys households after distribution.12 We have focused on reviewing the monitoring AMF has completed after distributions to understand what proportion of distributed LLINs reach their intended recipients, are used by those recipients, and remain effective while they are in use. This was judged the preferable way of organising and managing the data collection phase.". See reported coverage rates for different countries and time points in this spreadsheet, sheet "Results: Summary." We help protect people from malaria. The Against Malaria Foundation (AMF) is a United Kingdom-based charity that provides long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) to populations at high risk of malaria, primarily in Africa.As of March 2021, the foundation has raised $342 million and distributed or committed to fund 137 million LLINs since its founding in 2004.. Nets are distributed through partnerships with the International Red . This Day (Lagos) By Rebecca Ejifoma. This can occur if a household is unavailable on the day of the main data collection, prompting the use of a spare, but available during the re-visit. The aim was to recruit enough CHWs to carry out the entire registration and hang‐up, once it commenced, in a five day period. Distributions are generally scheduled for every three years. Adam Hadhazy for the Office of Engineering Communications. The costs paid by AMF to purchase LLINs. We use data on malaria incidence and mortality in the countries where AMF works in our cost-effectiveness model.26 We compare these data to malaria rates in the populations targeted in RCTs, then account for differences in these populations by adjusting the effects measured in RCTs to estimate the impact of LLINs on malaria rates in the countries where AMF works. For example: The following table shows AMF's total expenditure, categorized into LLIN purchases, other non-net costs (e.g. Sept. 15, 2020, 11:35 a.m. Princeton researchers are part of a team developing a drug that, in lab studies, is highly effective against the organisms that cause the diseases malaria and toxoplasmosis . See AMP, Net mapping project, Final 2020 report, "Donors" sheet, rows 6 and 21. For most distributions, AMF pays for nets and monitoring activities; it partners with organizations—often the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria—to pay for the other costs of the distribution.20 In the past, AMF also paid for electronic data entry for some paper-based distributions.21. The % of households that report a number of nets within +/-1 of the number recorded during distribution is >70% at all time points. See our discussion of AMF's post-distribution monitoring below. AMF has shared results from some PDMs that are weighted by village size; we have not reviewed these results in depth. [11], In 2012, AMF did not undertake all planned distributions due to safety concerns in Mali and concerns about transparency with potential partners in Malawi and Togo. Our expectation that LLIN coverage confers a protective effect against malaria requires that LLINs remain effective over time. Based on what AMF told us it expects in the future, we have used an estimate of $2.00 per LLIN. The new EU Malaria Fund is working with a total EU contribution of more than €110 million to boost research efforts and speed up market solutions against this preventable and deadly disease. Found inside – Page 67... and men around the world ... every time they eat a meal. Against Malaria Foundation e Against Malaria Foundation provides ... In September 2015, we checked in with AMF about its process for determining in which countries it works. Those where the only HH member has passed away. Below, we summarize AMF's general PDM methodology and discuss methodological strengths and weaknesses. As of March 2021[update], the foundation has raised $342 million[3] and distributed or committed to fund 137 million LLINs[4] since its founding in 2004. On the one hand, reported coverage is a direct measure that explicitly asks households how they use LLINs, but it may be subject to social desirability bias that leads respondents to overreport usage. On April 25, 2008, President and Mrs. Bush commemorated the second annual Malaria Awareness Day and renewed America's commitment to lead the world in turning the tide against malaria in Africa and around the world. AMF, comments on a draft of this page, October 2020. By Magdalena Mis LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Poor quality drugs, not fake medicines, are the real threat in fight against malaria, causing deaths and increasing the risk of drug resistance, researchers said on Monday. Weighted results show slightly higher (1-5% across PDMs) proportions of LLINs found present and hanging in households compared with unweighted results.39 This suggests that AMF's sampling procedure results in a slight downward bias in results, at least for this outcome. Found insideThis vision draws from and builds on the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals. It explores who has been left behind in human development progress and why. GiveWell's Maximum Impact Fund $. We include spending since FY 2012 (July 2011 to June 2012) because this is when AMF shifted to its current model of larger-scale distributions. Overall, AMF has paired around 85% of re-survey records with original records across all PDMs.49 AMF told us that records may not be paired for several reasons — most notably, because households that were unavailable for the original data collection may still be re-surveyed if their availability changes;50 we find this explanation reasonable. More details and calculations in this spreadsheet. Ghana's National Malaria Control Program, one of AMF's distribution partners for the June-July 2016 distribution campaign in Ghana, described negotiating and compromising with AMF on requirements for the distribution: "The NMCP has been working with AMF for a relatively short period of time. AMF has also provided other reasons that records may not be paired: "Other reasons that account for the remaining ~1/3 of re-visit records that cannot be matched are: For electronic data collection, household lists are uploaded directly to the data collection tool, minimising the chance of reasons 3 and 4 occurring." Held in December 2003, the "Swim for Terri"[10] started as a three-person fundraiser and grew to include 10,000 swimmers in 73 countries. It acts against P. falciparum, the most deadly malaria parasite globally and the most prevalent in Africa. Figures are from this spreadsheet, sheet "Nov 2019 LLIN gap estimates," cell J62, sheet "Forecast analysis," cell R50, and sheet "Historic analysis," cells C48 and E48 (note that some of these figures show the proportion of LLINs funded; here we report the proportion of LLINs unfunded). Once they have been selected as HSAs they are sent on an initial 9 months intensive training course where they will be trained in many aspects of public health including how to recognize common diseases, how to administer immunizations etc." WAR AGAINST MALARIA: NGO funds scientists to develop vaccine. What proportion of targeted recipients use LLINs over time? For example: "This difference occurs as households report fewer nets received than registered (e.g. AMF told us that the Zambia distribution had insufficient LLINs, and thus the number of LLINs that could be distributed to households was capped (Against Malaria Foundation, conversation with GiveWell, November 20, 2019 [unpublished]). At the beginning of 2016, malaria was considered to be endemic in 91 countries and territories, down from 108 in 2000. This is a unique collection of new papers on philanthropy from a range of philosophical perspectives, including intuitionism, virtue ethics, Kantian ethics, utilitarianism, theories of justice, and ideals of personal integrity. Malaria would have assuredly disappeared from Sardinia with only moderate DDT spraying--and perhaps even without DDT spraying--a fact demonstrated in other parts of the Mediterranean and acknowledged by Foundation . The Against Malaria Foundation | 391 followers on LinkedIn. too far from the distribution point, or did not receive word about the date), then we would expect to see evidence of this in the households that we were able to survey." See this spreadsheet, sheet "(Added by GW) Summary," section “AMF distribution by year.” Though AMF purchased more than 15.5 million nets, because it does not pay for other distribution costs, in effect, it funded 15.5 million nets for distributions occurring in 2016-2018. AMF, Implementation of IDinsight recommendations, 2020, pg. See cell C4 on each of the "Methods" sheets in this spreadsheet. ", "The non-net costs will be funded by the Uganda Ministry of Health which may use funding from its Roll Back Malaria Partners. In the rural town of San Vicente, in Sucre state, on Venezuela 's northern coast, Santana Marquez goes to the local clinic. This accounts for 40% of the total cost per LLIN. MSF helps fight against malaria in Venezuela's Sucre state. We were thus uncertain about which distributions additional funding would support. [7][8] In addition, we had previously expressed concerns about AMF's ability to scale up.80 We now believe that AMF has a track record of productively spending large amounts of funding annually. As of November 2014, AMF held $4.9 million in uncommitted funds, of which it raised $2.65 million in 2014. Another concern is that sample attrition (i.e. More details and calculations in this spreadsheet, sheet "Available and expected funding (overview).". Excluding in-kind government contributions, we estimate the cost is $4.65. "That's where I gave half of my donations last year, and if I had your values, it's where I would give now." See the most recent version of the model here, line "False monitoring results.". 40% PBOs at $2.6 per net (standard net price plus $0.8 delta). Since then, AMF has formally committed nearly all of the funding it holds. By the end of 2014, AMF had spent or committed a large portion of the funds it raised prior to 2014. Transparency – AMF shares significant information about its work with us and we are able to closely follow and understand its work. [18] AMF's founding partners are PwC, Citigroup, Speedo, Microsoft, Allen & Overy, Attenda, Vestergaard Frandsen, and Sumitomo Chemical. This projection represents our best guess based on past revenue and our understanding of AMF's funding pipeline. Against Malaria Foundation, responses to GiveWell questions, June 23, 2020 (unpublished). In other words, we expect both 1) households randomly selected to be interviewed but not interviewed and 2) households that were interviewed but whose data was lost or discarded to be captured in the sample attrition data we report above. We have not yet incorporated this analysis into this review, which reports results that use self-reported nets as their denominator. For an example of the process AMF went through to establish the funding gap in Guinea for its 2019 distribution, see Rob Mather, AMF CEO, email to GiveWell explaining Guinea process, October 14, 2018. In Philos Trans R Soc Lond against malaria foundation Biol Sci permission to publish on. The populations targeted by AMF, comments on a draft of this spreadsheet, sheet Methods. Re-Done very rarely $ 3000–5000 per life saved households that report fewer nets received than the distribution, conducting... A balanced production of pro and anti-inflammatory cytokines in the cost of distribution 8 the. Like amp will be owned by Togo and shared with us directly and in good over! ] the charity is registered in the Pacific, and 207371 8735 website: http against malaria foundation! Cost of the `` Summary '', section “ AMF distributions three years on the Development the! Of CHWs recruited depended on the Project coverage confers a protective effect against malaria of... 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